Graphic Design
Welcome to my page for graphic design. Here are a few examples of the work I created with Adobe software.
Pop Art Magazine
In the Visual Fundamental design module, I produced a 12-page pop art magazine. This magazine is about all the pop girls from the 1990s through the 2020s.
I chosen the Pop art style, which is an art movement that began in the mid- to late-1950s in the United Kingdom and the United States. I was inspired by Tuleen Alhussayen. I was admired by their simplicity on pop art, how they layout the writing and images in the magazine
I combined Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator with Adobe Indesign to complete the project.

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As part of a group project, I produced three graphic design posters utilising iconography that reflected the members of the group's various hometowns and the important sites in each of them. This will provide an instructive look at each town and demonstrate how it changed over time, from the old to the modern. These icons were created after much investigation. We printed the flyers and created our final poster using Illustrator.
Typography illustration
For my module Visual Fundamental Design Assignment, I created the Cheshire Cat from the novel Alice in Wonderland as the book cover using typography and word processing. I learned how to create a fur texture, which helped me to become a better illustrator. It took me some time to understand it, but I did.
I once again used Adobe Illustrator to create this design; it was my first time incorporating type into a design

In the game jam competition, participants attempt to create a video game from scratch. Participants may work alone or in groups, depending on the structure. The average event lasts between 24 to 72 hours. For this project, I created a deck of cards for kids to learn Spanish, along with my college friend Kevin. This was produced for our game jam competition. There were created three categories. animals, food, and weather. In the game jam competition, we came in second.
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Movie Poster
In my first year, I produced this movie poster. I have never before used Adobe Illustrator. For this project, I used an Art Nouveau aesthetic approach. This fashion, in my opinion, is perfect for the film Avatar: The Last Airbender. Looking back, I can see how far I've come from my first year.